Portset Document Reader

Document Reader for Visually Impaired Individuals
The Portset Reader is the ideal Text Reader in a compact desktop model. Advances in text recognition technology combined with Portset's high quality speech synthesis now makes document text reading a simple task. Portset's speech engine gives a voice of high clarity, precision and the intelligence that is necessary for such an application. Portset has ensured that the text reader machine is simple to operate and provides features to suit a wide range of users and uses.
- Value product with high quality English speech
- Includes Portset's Super Voice, Jane
- Designed as a domestic product for any non-computer user
- Not only will the Portset Document Reader speak your letters in privacy, but can read books, magazines, bills etc.
- You can even retain the documents you read in the internal storage or save to a USB memory stick in either text or MP3
- You can adjust the voices, copy documents, read both page and column documents
- Simple 12 keypad gives you all the facilities and allows you to read line by line, word by word or spell any letter plus a lots, lots more
- Integral loudspeaker and headphone supplied for that very personal reading
- Manual volume control
- Very easy to use with voiced information that guides you through all the functions and controls
- 12 months guarantee including any updates
- A. Small size of only 18.5 x 10.5 x 4.5 inches (47cm x 26cm x 12cm deep) and weighing under 12 lbs. (6kgs)
- B. The human quality speaking voice can be changed in speed of both the text voice and the reading voice
- C. A page size up to A4 (28 x 20 cm) with a font as fine as an 8 point can be read
- D. Page orientation on the text reader bed is not important
- E. Pages can be stored for reference in the text reader itself or by text copy or MP3 to a USB Pen Drive or memory stick
- F. Speaking can be of the current document, from pages held in memory, or from text copy or MP3 on a USB pen drive
- G. Speaking can be 'entire page' or of text between start and finish points selected by cursor control
- H. The user can request repeat speaking of indistinct lines, words or text spelling
- I. Speaking can be paused, allowing for speaking resumption or to stop to allow a change in selection
- J. The user can 'scan' forwards or backwards through a document
- K. There is volume control for speech output for the loudspeaker or headphone jack socket
Portset has designed its text reader software to meet the following performance criteria: